The Circusbiennale 2014 took place at Haasestr.11 in 10247 berlin-friedrichshain on the areal of a former russian car workshop that has be constructed with new flat buildings directly after the festival.

In this edition of CIRCUSBIENNALE, 15 performing companies and more than 50 professional and amatour performers from Germany, France, Spain, Serbia, Iran, Italy, England, Czech republic, Poland, Swiss, USA & Mexico took part and performed.
They are acrobats, aerial artists, sculptors, filmmakers, painters, costume designers, musician or urban artists. In and outside the circus tent and in the surrounding area, they were presenting bizarre spectacles and incredible performances, Installations, interactive projects and workshops for about 4000 spectators.
Some of the best souvenirs… (more photos in >>Archiv 2014)
A big THANKS! to all invited artists, our amazing technical crew and all incredible people who made this festival possible. And a special thought to Dani.